HP QTP provides a great functionality for adding or removing Object Repository at run time or dynamically. For that ObjectRepositories Utility object of QTP is used.
Find the below code for Add/Remove Object Repository dynamically in QTP during run time.
'Function Name: AddRemoveOR
'Purpose: Use for Add Or Remove Object Repository with Action Name
'repositoryPath=Repository Path for Add or Remove with Action
'actionName=Action Name for Add for Add Or Remove Repository
' operationName=Operation Name to be Perform either "Add" or "Remove" Object Repository
'Return Values: -
'Created By: Krutin Gandhi
Function AddRemoveOR(repositoryPath,actionName,operationName)
Dim qtApp,qtRepositories, actName, RepPath, rPosition'Variable Declaration
RepPath=repositoryPath 'TRS File Path
actName=actionName 'Get Action Name
Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create Application Object
Set qtRepositories = qtApp.Test.Actions(actName).ObjectRepositories ' Get Associated repositories list
'Adding Repository to an action
If operationName="Add" Then
If qtRepositories.Find(RepPath) = -1 Then
qtRepositories.Add RepPath, 1 ' Add the Object Repository to the current action
End If
'Remove Repository to an action
Else if operationName="Remove" Then
rPosition=qtRepositories.Find(RepPath) 'Find the Position of the Repository
If rPosition<>-1 then
qtRepositories.Remove rPosition ' Remove Repository From the Action
End if
End If
End If
'Assign nothing
Set qtApp= Nothing
Set qtRepositories= Nothing
End Function
Find the below code for Add/Remove Object Repository dynamically in QTP during run time.
'Function Name: AddRemoveOR
'Purpose: Use for Add Or Remove Object Repository with Action Name
'repositoryPath=Repository Path for Add or Remove with Action
'actionName=Action Name for Add for Add Or Remove Repository
' operationName=Operation Name to be Perform either "Add" or "Remove" Object Repository
'Return Values: -
'Created By: Krutin Gandhi
Function AddRemoveOR(repositoryPath,actionName,operationName)
Dim qtApp,qtRepositories, actName, RepPath, rPosition'Variable Declaration
RepPath=repositoryPath 'TRS File Path
actName=actionName 'Get Action Name
Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create Application Object
Set qtRepositories = qtApp.Test.Actions(actName).ObjectRepositories ' Get Associated repositories list
'Adding Repository to an action
If operationName="Add" Then
If qtRepositories.Find(RepPath) = -1 Then
qtRepositories.Add RepPath, 1 ' Add the Object Repository to the current action
End If
'Remove Repository to an action
Else if operationName="Remove" Then
rPosition=qtRepositories.Find(RepPath) 'Find the Position of the Repository
If rPosition<>-1 then
qtRepositories.Remove rPosition ' Remove Repository From the Action
End if
End If
End If
'Assign nothing
Set qtApp= Nothing
Set qtRepositories= Nothing
End Function