Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dot Net 4.0 Features in C# and VB.Net

Dynamic Lookup (New to C#)

C# added a new static type named dynamic. Although there is a lot that goes into making this new type work, there's not a lot that goes into using it. You can think of the dynamic type as an object that supports late binding.

dynamic Car = GetCar(); //Get a reference to the dynamic object
Car.Model = "Mondeo"; //Assign a value to a property (also works for fields)
Car.StartEngine(); //Calling a method
Car.Accelerate(100); //Call a methods with parameters
dynamic Person = Car["Driver"]; //Getting with an indexer
Car["Passenger"] = CreatePassenger(); //Setting with an indexer

At compile time, calls to fields, properties, and methods of dynamic objects are essentially ignored. In other words, you won't get a compiler error about a member not being available. Since that information is only available at runtime, .NET knows to use the DLR to resolve the dynamic members. Now, C# is a statically typed language for a reason, and that reason is performance. The new dynamic type is not a licence to forgo static typing altogether; it's just another tool in case you need to interact with dynamic types. Also remember that VB.NET already supports Dynamic Lookups.

Named and Optional Parameters (New to C#)

Named and optional parameters have been around in VB.NET for quite some time, and they are finally being incorporated into C#. As the name suggests, optional parameters are parameters that you can opt to pass into a method or constructor. If you opt not to pass a parameter, the method simply uses the default value defined for the parameter. To make a method parameter optional in C#, you just give it a default value:

public void CreateBook(string title="No Title", int pageCount=0, string isbn = "0-00000-000-0")
this.Title = title;
this.PageCount = pageCount;
this.ISBN = isbn;

You can call the CreateBook method defined above in the following ways:

CreateBook("Some Book Title");
CreateBook("Some Book Title", 600);
CreateBook("Some Book Title", 600, "5-55555-555-5");

Notice that optional parameters are dependent on position. Title must appear as the first parameter, page count as the second, and ISBN as the third. If you wanted to call CreateBook and only pass in the ISBN number, then you have two options. The first is to create an overloaded method that accepts ISBN as a parameter, which is the time tested and tedious option. The second is to use named parameters, which is much more succinct. Named parameters allow you to pass parameters into a method in any order you want, as long as you provide the name of the parameter. So you can call the method in the following ways:

CreateBook(isbn: "5-55555-5555-5");
CreateBook("Book Title", isbn: "5-55555-5555-5");
CreateBook(isbn: "5-55555-5555-5", title: "Book Title", pageCount: 600);

Please note that you can start with positional parameters, and then start using named parameters as shown in the second Create Book method call above, but once you start using Named Parameters you have to keep using them.

Anonymous Method Support (New to VB.NET)

Another long sought feature being introduced into VB.NET is the Inline or Anonymous Method. Anonymous Method is an appropriate name because it allows you to define Subs and Functions without needing to add a top-level method to your class, which keeps the method hidden (i.e. anonymous). Anonymous Methods also have access to all of the variables available to the code block in which the inline method resides, so you don't even have to bother defining method parameters to get data into and out of an anonymous method. You can define an anonymous method anywhere you would normally use the AddressOf keyword to point to a method, so the most prominent use is likely going to be on event handles, as demonstrated in the following example:

Dim MyTimer As New System.Timers.Timer(1000)
Dim Seconds As Integer = 0

AddHandler MyTimer.Elapsed,
Seconds += 1
Console.WriteLine(Seconds.ToString() & " seconds have elapsed")
End Sub

Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit")

Notice that the event handler for the Timer's Elapsed event is written inline, and the method has access to the Seconds variable defined outside of the inline sub. You can also define inline functions:

Dim f = Function(a As Integer, b As Integer)
Return a + b
End Function

Dim x = 10
Dim y = 20
Dim z = f(x, y)

Inline functions are great if a function makes sense in the context of a code block, but isn't really reusable enough to make it a class-level function.

Co-variance and Contra-variance (New to C# and VB.NET)

One of the most annoying issues with generics has been resolved in .NET 4.0. Previously, if you had an object that supports IEnumerable<String> and you wanted to pass it into a method requiring an IEnumerable<object> parameter, you just couldn't do it. You would have to make a new object that supports IEnumerable<object>, populate it with the strings from your IEnumerable instance, and then pass it into the method. We all know that a string is more specific than an object, so in our minds a List<string> should support the IEnumerable<string> interface and the IEnumerable<object> interface as well. Regardless, the compiler would have nothing of this. In .NET 4.0, the issue has been resolved because generics now support Co-variance and Contra-variance.

Co-variance and Contra-variance are really about type safety and performance. Without getting into too much detail, Co-variance means that an object can be treated as less derived, and is represented by decorating a generic type parameter with the out keyword. Co-variant types are restricted to output positions only, meaning they can appear as results of a method call or results of a property accessor. These are the only places where a co-variant type is "safe", or rather the only place where they can appear without having to inject additional type checks during compilation. In .NET 4.0, the IEnumerable<T> interface is now IEnumerable<out T> because IEnumerable is co-variant. This means that the following example is perfectly valid:

IEnumerable<string> strings = GetStrings();
IEnumerable<object> objects = strings;

Contra-variance means that an object can be treated as more derived, and is represented by decorating a generic type parameter with the in keyword. Contra-variant types are restricted to input positions, meaning they can only appear as method parameters or write-only properties. In .NET 4.0, the IComparer<T> inteface is now IComparer<in T> because IComparer is contra-variant. It's a difficult concept to wrap your head around, but know that in the end it has alleviated some of issues with casting from one generic type to another.

Dynamic Import (New to C#)

Almost all of the components exposed through COM APIs are variant data types, which have traditionally been represented in C# by the object data type. Previously, C# had no way to deal with dynamic types, so working with these objects quickly became an exercise in casting just about everything. Now that C# supports dynamic types, you have the option of importing COM components as dynamic objects, allowing you to set properties and make method calls without having to explicitly cast the object.
Omitting Ref Parameters (New to C#)

Another by-product of COM APIs is that a great number of method parameters have to be passed by reference. Most of the time you really just want to pass a value into the method and you don't really care what comes out. Nonetheless, you still have to create a number of temporary values to hold the result. The tedium of this task could easily be passed to an intern to do claiming its "real world experience". In C# 4.0, you can now pass parameters by value into COM method calls and the compiler will automatically generate temporary variables for you, which saves a great deal of time, and saves the intern for other "real world" tasks.

Compiling without Primary Interop Assemblies (New to C# and VB.NET)

Primary Interop Assemblies (PIA) are vendor-provided assemblies that act as a go between for COM components and the .NET Framework, one of the most widely known being the Microsoft Office Primary Interop Assemblies. Any time you deploy an assembly that references a PIA, you have to remember to deploy the PIA along with it or provide instructions for how to go about getting it on the system. A new feature for both C# and VB.NET allows you to embed a Primary Interop Assembly directly into your assembly, which makes deployment extremely simple. PIAs also tend to be relatively large, so including the whole thing could easily bloat your assembly. Fortunately, the compiler is optimised to embed only those parts of the PIA that you actually use, which can reduce the PIA footprint if you are only using a subset of what it contains.

Implicit Line Continuation (New to VB.NET)

When you look at C# code it's easy to determine where a statement ends because it terminates with a semicolon. VB also has a statement terminator, but it's the carriage return; each code statement is assumed to be on a single line. Any time you break that norm in VB.NET, you've always had to use an underscore at the end of the line to inform the compiler that the statement continues on the next line. If you work in VB.NET then you know it's a hassle to type and it makes for some ugly code:

Dim text As String = "Wouldn't it be nice" & _
"If you didn't have to" & _
"put an underscore to" & _
"continue to the next line?"

Alas, it is now a thing of the past. VB.NET now supports implicit line continuation. When the compiler encounters half of a statement on a single line, it's smart enough to check the next line to see if the rest of the statement is present.

Dim text As String = "Wouldn't it be nice" &
"If you didn't have to" &
"put an underscore to" &
"continue to the next line?" &
"Sweet! Now you can!"

If you are feeling nostalgic you can still use the explicit line continuation character, because it's still around. And you may need it because the VB.NET team has identified a few scenarios where the compiler has trouble determining whether a line should continue or not. Rest assured that those scenarios should be rare, and I'm sure the compiler will let you know about it if it does occur.

Simplified Property Syntax (New to VB.NET)

Another C# feature to make its way into VB.NET in this release is simplified property syntax. Property definitions that once looked like this:

Private _name As String

Public Property Name() As String
Return _name
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_name = value
End Set
End Property

Can now be reduced to:

Public Property Name() as String

This reduces the total lines of code you are responsible for writing from 9 down to 1. If you do opt for this syntax, note that you will not have access to the field which stores the value for the property, which might be an issue if you need to pass the property value by reference into a method. If this happens, you can always revert back to the expanded syntax or just use a temporary variable.

Array Type Inference and Jagged Arrays (New to VB.NET)

VB.NET now sports array type inference and a syntax for jagged arrays definition. This means you don't have to explicitly declare the type of an array if you are initialising it with values because the compiler will figure it out. For example,

Dim Numbers = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34}

When you look at this array you can quickly determine that it holds integers, and the compiler is now smart enough to make that determination as well.

Dim Numbers = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5.0, 8, 13, 21, 34}

When the compiler sees the previous example, it notices that 5.0 is not an integer, so the array becomes an array of doubles. Type inference also works with matrices:

Dim Names = {{"Sarah", "Jane", "Mary", "Susan", "Amanda"},
{"Bob", "Joe", "Dustin", "Richard", "Nick"}}

The compiler can infer that string(,) is the appropriate type for the example above. You do run into a bit of issue with jagged arrays. You can think of a two dimensional matrix as having rows and columns and a matrix always has the same number of columns in each row. A jagged array can have a variable number of columns on each row, so it's a bit different than a matrix. You would think you could define a jagged array such as:

Dim Names = {"Sarah", "Jane", "Mary", "Susan", "Amanda"},
"Bob", "Nick"}

But it throws a compiler error stating that the "Array initialiser is missing 3 elements" because it assumes everything is a matrix. If you want to define a jagged array, you just need to surround your "rows" with braces:

Dim Names = {{"Sarah", "Jane", "Mary", "Susan", "Amanda"},
{"Bob", "Nick"}}

And the compiler now infers that the type is string()(), which is appropriate for a jagged array.

From Keyword (New to VB.NET)

While we're on the topic of initialisation, let's talk about the new From keyword in VB.NET. When you create a dictionary, or a list, or really any object that is responsible for holding a collection of objects, you normally create the collection object and then you populate it with a bunch of items. Instead of having to repeatedly call the Add method to populate a list, you can now use From, which essentially calls the Add method on the object for you. So, instead of having to type out all of this:

Dim Colors As New List(Of String)

It can now be reduced down to this:

Dim Colors As New List(Of String) From {"Red", "Green", "Blue"}

Make no mistake, it is really calling the Add method on the object, which means that it works with any object that has an Add method. In fact, you can even use extension methods to create an Add method or overload an Add method and the From keyword will use it if the method signature matches the incoming parameters. In the previous example, the List object has an add method that accepts a single parameter, the string you want added to a list. If you have an Add method with multiple parameters, you just pass in the parameters using syntax much like defining a matrix. Here is an example that shows how to use the Add method with a Dictionary object:

Dim Colors2 As New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {
{"Red", "FF0000"},
{"Green", "00FF00"},
{"Blue", "0000FF"}}

Since the Add method on a Dictionary contains two parameters, the key and the value, we have to pass in a set of two parameters for each item in the From statement. Remember, however, to take readability into account when using the From keyword. You may even want to think about reverting back to the Add method if it makes sense in a particular situation.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Convert Asp.Net page to HTML


The appropriate namespaces to be used here would be

System.Net which have classes WebRequest and WebResponse.

* WebRequest is the abstact base class for the .NET Framework's request/response model for accessing data from the internet and
* WebResponse is the abstract base class from which protocol specific response classes are derived.

System.IO which have classes StreamReader and StreamWriter.

* StreamReader designed for character input in a particular encoding.
* StreamWriter designed for character output in a particular encoding.



WebRequest mywebReq ;
WebResponse mywebResp ;
StreamReader sr ;
string strHTML ;
StreamWriter sw;
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Put user code to initialize the page here
mywebReq = WebRequest.Create("ASPX PAGE WITH FULL PATH");
mywebResp = mywebReq.GetResponse();
sr = new StreamReader(mywebResp.GetResponseStream());
strHTML = sr.ReadToEnd();
sw = File.CreateText(Server.MapPath("temp.html"));

Note :
For creating the file (in above case "temp.html") give appropriate rights (modify and write) to the ASPNET user.

To specify the Encoding specify the second parameter of the StreamReader accordingly in the c# You need to write :

sr = new StreamReader(mywebResp.GetResponseStream(), System.Text.Encoding.ASCII);

Monday, May 3, 2010

SQL Server Vs My SQL

# MySQL takes up less space on disk, and uses less memory and CPU than does SQL Server.

# SQL Server is an commercial application while MySQL is an opensource application.

# Both DBMS’s include some (note, some) similar features, however SQL Server should be used for an enterprise solution, while MySQL might suit a smaller implementation.

# If you need features like recovery, replication, granular security, and significant scalability, you need SQL Server. If you’re on a limited budget and you’re using the database as a short-term repository for online data, you might consider MySQL.

# Want to know more?

Bind() and Eval() in Asp.Net

# Eval is a protected method defined on the TemplateControl class, from which the Page class is derived.
# Bind is a new ASP.NET 2.0 databinding keyword. It's not a method of any specific class.
# Eval is used for unidirectional (readonly) data binding, while Bind is for bi-directional (editable) databinding.
# ASP.NET supports a hierarchical data-binding model that creates bindings between server control properties and data sources. Almost any server control property can be bound against any public field or property on the containing page or on the server control's immediate naming container.
# Data-binding expressions use the Eval and Bind methods to bind data to controls and submit changes back to the database. The Eval method is a static (read-only) method that takes the value of a data field and returns it as a string. The Bind method supports read/write functionality with the ability to retrieve the values of data-bound controls and submit any changes made back to the database.
# You can bind to XML data from an XmlDataSource control using the XPath and XPathSelect methods, as well as the XPathBinder class.
# Eval is a one way binding.
# Bind is two way binding.
# If you bind a value using Eval, it is like a read only. You can only view the data.
# If you bind a value using Bind, and if you do some change on the value it will reflect on the database also.

Steps For Binding XML Data Source in

# Create an ASP.Net web page.
# Drag a ScriptManager component from the toolbox onto the page.
# Drag a WebHierarchicalDataGrid control from the toolbox onto the page.
# Drag an XmlDataSource control from the toolbox onto the page.
# Set up the XmlDataSource to use the CategoriesAndProducts.xml data file and set a data path to retrieve the Categories data.

<asp:XmlDataSource ID="XmlDataSource1" runat="server"
DataFile="~/App_Data/CategoriesAndProducts.xml" XPath="/NewDataSet/Categories">

# Set the DataSourceID property of WebHierarchicalDataGrid to "XmlDataSource1", the ID of the XmlDataSource control.
# Set up the root band's column schema.

<ig:WebHierarchicalDataGrid ID="WebHierarchicalDataGrid1" runat="server"
AutoGenerateBands="False" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataSourceID="XmlDataSource1" DefaultColumnWidth="" Key="Categories" DataKeyFields="CategoryID">

<%-- Define columns for Categories data --%>
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="CategoryID" Key="CategoryID" Header-Text="CategoryID" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="CategoryName" Key="CategoryName" Header-Text="Category Name" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Description" Key="Description" Header-Text="Description" />

<%-- TODO: define sibling bands --%>

# Define the sibling bands.

<%-- Sibling band 1 --%>
<ig:Band AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataMember="BrandA" DataKeyFields="ProductID">
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ProductID" Key="ProductID" Header-Text="ProductID" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ProductName" Key="ProductName" Header-Text="Name" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="QuantityPerUnit" Key="QuantityPerUnit" Header-Text="Quantity Per Unit" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="UnitPrice" Key="UnitPrice" Header-Text="Unit Price" />

<ig:Band AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataMember="BrandB" DataKeyFields="ProductID">
<%-- Sibling band 2 --%>
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ProductID" Key="ProductID" Header-Text="ProductID" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Name" Key="Name" Header-Text="Name" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Description" Key="Description" Header-Text="Description" />

# Run the application.